DO GOOD AND WIN BIG!" 1. Give 2. Volunteer, 3. Doneta Goods Learn more at Givingteartabey.erg Here's how to win a sweepstakes prize: TOMORROW IS Giving Hearts Day! Choose from one of these charities in your area or see the full list at Anne Carlsen Center Guardian Angels Inc. James River Senior Center and Public Transit James Valley Youth For Christ Jamestown Dollars for Scholars Jamestown Fine Arts Association Jamestown Gymnastics Club Jamestown Regional Medical Center Jamestown United Way SMP Health - Ave Maria St. John's Academy - St. James Basilica The Salvation Army Jamestown University of Jamestown Victory Christian School Giving Hearts Day Ads 10 Help someone. DMF es foundation ALEX STERN w DO GOOD AND WIN BIG!" 1. Give 2. Volunteer, 3. Doneta Goods Learn more at Givingteartabey.erg Here's how to win a sweepstakes prize: TOMORROW IS Giving Hearts Day! Choose from one of these charities in your area or see the full list at Anne Carlsen Center Guardian Angels Inc. James River Senior Center and Public Transit James Valley Youth For Christ Jamestown Dollars for Scholars Jamestown Fine Arts Association Jamestown Gymnastics Club Jamestown Regional Medical Center Jamestown United Way SMP Health - Ave Maria St. John's Academy - St. James Basilica The Salvation Army Jamestown University of Jamestown Victory Christian School Giving Hearts Day Ads 10 Help someone. DMF es foundation ALEX STERN w