Cork OBrel Kickoff To Fall Sale Event 1902 8th Ave Sw, Jamestown, ND LIQU O R S Join us for Fall beer BUSCH KEYSTONE Keystone Light 30 pks $15.99 Miller Lite 15pks 16 oz cans OCTOBERFEST tasting Thurs. Oct 3rd 5-7 pm Captain Morgan Pendleton Liters 2for $44 Bush Latte 30 pks $18.99 Sam Adams 12 pk btls $12.99 2 for $22 after $8 mail in rebate 1.75 21or $50 TICKETS FOR THE FOLEOWMG EVENTS CAN BE PURCHASED AT CORK &BARREE ORfobarrast Featring Gemoe foodand German style beers Ar bendand ntis Cetu mcunged Shrine Clown Pumpkin Arts Center 9th annual OKTOBERFEST Patch and Corn Maze Coming Soon Neal McCoy in concert Friday, Sept 13 at 7:30 pm Jamestown Civic Center Hockey Happenings Sat, Sept 14th at 5:00 pm .. all Saturday, September 14 Fun starts at 5:30 pm Hansen Arts Park Cork OBrel Kickoff To Fall Sale Event 1902 8th Ave Sw, Jamestown, ND LIQU O R S Join us for Fall beer BUSCH KEYSTONE Keystone Light 30 pks $15.99 Miller Lite 15pks 16 oz cans OCTOBERFEST tasting Thurs. Oct 3rd 5-7 pm Captain Morgan Pendleton Liters 2for $44 Bush Latte 30 pks $18.99 Sam Adams 12 pk btls $12.99 2 for $22 after $8 mail in rebate 1.75 21or $50 TICKETS FOR THE FOLEOWMG EVENTS CAN BE PURCHASED AT CORK &BARREE ORfobarrast Featring Gemoe foodand German style beers Ar bendand ntis Cetu mcunged Shrine Clown Pumpkin Arts Center 9th annual OKTOBERFEST Patch and Corn Maze Coming Soon Neal McCoy in concert Friday, Sept 13 at 7:30 pm Jamestown Civic Center Hockey Happenings Sat, Sept 14th at 5:00 pm .. all Saturday, September 14 Fun starts at 5:30 pm Hansen Arts Park