IT'S ABOUT GIVING BACK Jamestown Masonic Lodge, EZ Wheels Shrine Club, James Valley Shrine Club, El Zagal Jamestown Mystics, El Zagal Jamestown Clowns, All Teamed up together to pay it Forward to local Charities. Community Action Food Pantry, and JHS Food Pantry. This is our way to say THANK YOU for supporting us! WE ARE GRATEFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT! MERRY CHRISTMAS! IT'S ABOUT GIVING BACK Jamestown Masonic Lodge , EZ Wheels Shrine Club , James Valley Shrine Club , El Zagal Jamestown Mystics , El Zagal Jamestown Clowns , All Teamed up together to pay it Forward to local Charities . Community Action Food Pantry , and JHS Food Pantry . This is our way to say THANK YOU for supporting us ! WE ARE GRATEFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT ! MERRY CHRISTMAS !