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  • Published Date

    February 11, 2019
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JAMESTOWN RURAL FIRE DEPARTMENT KNTGHTS OF COLUMBUS 11TH ANNUAL ICE FISHING . TOURNAMENT & RAFFLE .25 A TICE-., Visit www.jrfd.org for tickets & information SICLODES Over $127,000 in prizes! SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2019 9-4 PM PELICAN POINT-SMOKEY'S LANDING ONLY RECREATIONAL VEHICLES AND FISH PRIZESHOUSES ARE DIS FISH HOUSES ARE ALLOWED IN FISHING AREA Fishing Area Except Ticket Fishing Prizes: Drawing 02-16-19 1st All Classes S700 1 GMC Truck or $15,000 Cash 2. ieCase-allye Tracker 3. 2018 Lund 1600 4· Browning SA-22 5. Howa Mudy Gi 243 with Soope 6. Glock 22 G 7. 2018 Honda Ticx 420 8. Hummingbird Helix 9. 2019 The Black Hole Ice Shack 2nd All Classes $400 3rd All Classes $200 Northern, Walleye, Crappie, Perch Office of AHerney General Registration 900 AM to 1:00 PM . Contestants must be on ice from 1:00 PM until 4:00 PM to be eligible for fish prizes 813 Sales, LLC) 10 Stnkemaster&e Augen 11. 2200 Generac Generator Saturday, Febru Rules meeting 13. Frigidaire 17 Freezer 14. Game SaverVauu Seale 15 Louisiana Grill wihCold Smoke Raffle Burger Baskets at the Civic Center Drawing at 8 PM 7-00 PM, Friday, February 15, 2019 at the Knights of Columbus along ndy Building vice Tripwire BandTAIPWIE FREE Chi 16. Electric lon8 ce Aue 17. Marum Underwater Camera 13 Velar FX-20 Propack 19. 2200 Generac Generato 20. Garmin Pan Optics 21. BigBudty Heater 22 $1,000 CASH 23 Big Green Egg Gl Lifestyle Appliance) 24. $500 CASH 28. KDnll (613 Sales, LLC) 27. Clam Ice House elena Agn-Enterprises) 28. Electric lon 8 Ice Auger 23. $1,000 e Fishing Package LACK HOLE dside 31. $500 Travel Voucher (Darech) teRivoti ilutrien 33. Strike Master&ce Auger 3455. TV 35. Big Buddy Hear 36. Red Neck Hay Bale d 37. $$00 CASH (Hotman Trucking IU UNISON ISOM ( NU STAR ENERGY QUIGLEY CUSTOM CAT . Cam Fish House, Table& Chair Schells NEED NOT BE PIRESENT TO WIN