On TRAC Learning Center 3-5 Year Old Licensed Pre-School Monday - Friday 6:30am - 6:00pm Licensed by the State of North Dakota Pre-School teachers all have college degrees Creative Curriculum and ReadingCorps Swim lessons are included in program Children get to use the bubble, gym and pool To begin the application process apply online at tracjamestown.com/childcare/ trac@jamestownparksandrec.com 952-8723 tracjamestown.com On TRAC Learning Center 3-5 Year Old Licensed Pre-School Monday - Friday 6:30am - 6:00pm Licensed by the State of North Dakota Pre-School teachers all have college degrees Creative Curriculum and ReadingCorps Swim lessons are included in program Children get to use the bubble, gym and pool To begin the application process apply online at tracjamestown.com/childcare/ trac@jamestownparksandrec.com 952-8723 tracjamestown.com