BULL SALE January 26, 2019 Sale Time: 1:30 p.m. At our ranch 13.5 miles south of Steele, ND Selling 70 A.I. Sired Bulls Sires Include: Peak Dot No Doubt HA Cowboy Up PC Incredible Connealy Cade ICC Payraise Tag 189 Sire: PC Incredible BW: 80 WW: 1050 YW:1590 EPD's B:+2.1 WW: +89 YW:-153 Milk: 30 Get more tor your bullbuying dollar, Lunch will be served Free Keep and Free Delivery Pete Thompson . Kintyre, ND Home: 701-475-2203 Cell: 701-391-1838 Thompson Angus Check out our website for the full list of bulls at www.thompsonangus.com