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  • Published Date

    December 22, 2018
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FARMERS, markyour calendars now for the FREEupcoming events/agronomy workshops. All workshops will provide lunch/supper. SEED COMPANY Hefty Agronomy Workshop: Wednesday, Jan 16th 5pm New Rockford Golf Course. This will be a local Hefty work-shop providing agronomy training on: Waterhemp, Palmer Amaranth, much more. Free Prime Rib/drinks. Please call to RSVP Brandon 701-650-7617 Call Mariah 701-650-6014 Call Emily 701-650-7794 Brian Hefty: Tuesday, Jan 22nd 4pm - Hurdsfield Community Center. Topics will be agronomy/soils focused. Brian will bring his years of experience to answer any questions Orgo online to RSVP https://tidysurveys. com/s/C3F5GF Wheat Pete: Monday, March 4th 10am - Hurdsfield Community Center. Pete is a high yield wheat farmer from Canada that brings info and techniques and to raising more bushels of wheat. Pete bring humor and years of experience. You will not want to miss this event!