HAPPY NATIONAL AGRICULTURE MONTH North Dakota agricultural producers: Are the state's no. 1 industry Number more than 26,000 farmers and ranchers Have an average operation size of 1,512 acres Own, operate, or manage about 90% of ND's land Support almost 25% of the workforce through agriculture and agriculture-related industries Thank you, local farmers and ranchers, for all your hard work to provide us with a safe and abundant food supply. JAMES REINER Ag Banking Manager, SVP 701.667.1657 jamesr@starionbank.com KORDEL WOLFE Business Banking Officer, VP 701.667.7513 kordelwo@starionbank.com Starion BANK starionbank.com | Member FDIC TROY HILZ Business Banking Officer 701.667.7511 troyh@starionbank.com HAPPY NATIONAL AGRICULTURE MONTH North Dakota agricultural producers : Are the state's no . 1 industry Number more than 26,000 farmers and ranchers Have an average operation size of 1,512 acres Own , operate , or manage about 90 % of ND's land Support almost 25 % of the workforce through agriculture and agriculture - related industries Thank you , local farmers and ranchers , for all your hard work to provide us with a safe and abundant food supply . JAMES REINER Ag Banking Manager , SVP 701.667.1657 jamesr@starionbank.com KORDEL WOLFE Business Banking Officer , VP 701.667.7513 kordelwo@starionbank.com Starion BANK starionbank.com | Member FDIC TROY HILZ Business Banking Officer 701.667.7511 troyh@starionbank.com